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Booters (Black)List and Ecosystem Analysis

Sharing the most extensive list of Booter Websites!

Booters are Websites that publicly offer Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks as a paid service. Accordingly to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Booters usage are considered ‘crime if they are used against a Website without the owner’s permission’. Our intention to generate/share this list is to facilitade the investigation of the entire market/ecosystem. NOTE that the following list includes offline Booters (for historical purposes). For only ONLINE booters, please clone our GitHub repository and re-run the 6th and 7th steps.

If you use, for academic purposes, the Booter (Black)List OR our methodology OR our analyses script, PLEASE don’t forget to cite the publicly available Jair Santanna’s Ph.D. thesis:

          title = { {DDoS-as-a-Service: Investigating Booter Websites} },
          author = {Santanna, José Jair},
          year = {2017}
          school = {University of Twente},
          address = {Enschede, The Netherlands},
          type = {Ph.D. thesis},
          isbn = {9789036544290},
          doi = {10.3990/1.9789036544290}


Our methodology to generate the Booter (Black)List is documented at:

Examples of usage of the Booter (Black)List is documented at: